Defines how a custom field is treated by the applications (at the moment only DigAIRange and TurboPlayer). The following types are supported:
- ExclusiveList: Each item (defined in the sub-keys) represents one possible content within the custom field. The items are automatically exclusive. (This is the regular list type, which allows the user to select exactly one item as content.)
- FlagList: Each item (defined in the sub-keys) defines a keyword and one or multiple of these keywords can appear as a comma-separated list in the custom field. Excluding items can be declared on item level. (The keywords can be seen as a sort of flags, which are either present in the content of the custom field or not.)
- String: The default behaviour for custom fields if nothing else is defined. The content of such a custom field is seen as pure-text and is not interpreted in any way.
- Integer, Date, Time, Timestamp: For future use and not yet supported.
Possible values: String,ExclusiveList,FlagList
Default value: String