This parameter decides how BCS handles the inheritance of the start mode and the start type form parent nodes (=groups, stories, endpoint-stories) to the children. The inheritance is done depending on the current value. E.g. a fixed start is inherited to the first child, whereas a fixed end is inherited to the last child. Other children are normally not affected (with the exception of the fixed end, which makes all previous children be backward-floating). The inheritance is done by using the special values "Time_OnAirStartType" and "Time_OnAirStartMode". This means that the original start type/mode is never overwritten and if the element is used in a different place it can get its old start attributes back.
Older versions of BCS inherited only the start types: Fixed, FixedStart, FixedEnd, Variable, Relative and BackwardFloating, but not Floating. And the start modes: StartOnTime and EndOnTime. This old behaviour can be configured by setting this value to "Legacy".
Since version 6.1 of BCS additional start attributes can be inherited. This is the start type Floating and the start modes Manual and Sequenced. (All of them are inherited to the first child.) This new behaviour can be configured by setting this value to "Regular".
Hint: at the moment (January 2023) the value "Legacy" is still the default and it is recommended to use the new "Regular" only for testing. In the future it is intended to change the default to "Regular".
Possible values: Legacy,Regular
Default value: Legacy