Defines the table where a new entry is created when the interactive DBM user selects of of the "New..." commands from the menu.

If the parameter is empty (the default), the new entry is created in the current table.

If the parameter has the value "ASK" (in any combination of upper and lower case), DBM displays a list of suitable tables from which the user can select.

If the parameter contains a table specification in the form database\tablename, e.g. "LocalDigas\Local", or (since DBM versions 5.12.8324.0 and 5.11.8307.5) the alias name of a table, then the new entry is crated in this table.

If the parameter contains a table specification plus the word "ASK", separated by a comma (e.g. "LocalDigas\Local,ASK"), the user will be presented with a list of suitable tables, and the specified table is preselected in this list.


1 - This parameter is not used when creating a new collection. A new collection is always created in the current table, which must be a collection table.

2 - The user must have the CREATE right for the table.

3 - If the new entry is an audio or virtual entry, the table must not be configured with RecordAllowed=FALSE.

4 - This parameter is read from the USER registry; if not found, it is read from the LOCAL registry; and is still not found, from the GLOBAL registry.

5 - DBM makes the specified or selected table its current table when it creates the new entry.
Possible values: see text
Default value: (empty)