Recorder: This parameter is moved from "PlayRec\Recorder" to "DBM\Recorder". (String, Possible values=NP, PCX, MM, SOUNDB, MULT, NONE). This parameter decides which recorder you are using. Therefore it should be in the local registry. If you select NP the NP recorder "REC_NP.OCX" is used, if you select MM, the multimedia recorder "REC_MM.OCX" is used, if you select "PCX" the recorder "REC_X.OCX" for the old PCX driver is used. Some programs also support the new "MultiRec.ocx" which can be selected with "MULT". The keyword "Playback" can be appended if recordings must not be possible. The Recorder you want to use must be registered on your system! This parameter can be found in the keys of some programs too, so you can define the recorder version for each program separately.

Possible values: NP, PCX, MM, SOUNDB, MULT, NONE
Default value: NONE